Category Card (beta version)
Hey guys,
I'm working on a new widget "Category Card", before release this I want to show you preview of this widget and get you're feedback about UX/usability.
You can test it without any modification, all what you need a copy this code and paste in settings
and choice aHTML
widget.<div class="row p-1"> {{{ each categories}}} <div class="col-lg-4 pb-2 align-items-stretch p-2"> <div class="card shadow-sm border-light"> <div class="card-header col-12 border-light text-sm text-truncate" style="background-color: {./bgColor}; color: {./color};"> {{{ if !./link }}} <i class="fa fa-fw {./icon}"></i> <a href="{relative_path}/category/{categories.slug}" style="color: {./color};" class="fw-semibold text-decoration-none">{./name}</a> {{{ else }}} <a href="{./link}" class="fw-semibold text-decoration-none">{./name}</a> {{{ end }}} <span class="float-end text-sm ms-1 human-readable-number"> <i class="fa-solid fa-reply fa-sm"></i> {./totalPostCount}</span> <span class="float-end text-sm me-1 human-readable-number"><i class="fa-solid fa-comment fa-sm"></i> {./totalTopicCount}</span> </div> <div class="card-body text-sm"> {{{ each ./posts }}} {{{ if @first }}} <div class="card-text col-12 text-truncate"> <button class="float-end border-0 p-0 bg-transparent position-relative" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#collapse-{./cid}" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse"><i class="fa-solid fa-plus-circle fa-sm"></i></button> <a class="permalink fw-semibold text-dark text-decoration-none" href="{config.relative_path}/topic/{./topic.slug}{{{ if ./index }}}/{./index}{{{ end }}}">{./topic.title}</a> <div class="collapse text-muted text-xs text-wrap mt-2 bg-light border rounded overflow-auto" id="collapse-{./cid}" style="max-height: 100px;"><div class="p-2">{./content}</div></div> </div> </div> <div class="card-footer border-light text-xs bg-transparent"> <a class="text-muted text-decoration-none" href="{config.relative_path}/user/{./user.userslug}">{buildAvatar(posts.user, "20px", true, "avatar-tooltip rounded-circle")} {./user.username} </a> <span class="timeago text-muted float-end" title="{../timestampISO}"></span> {{{ end }}} {{{ end }}} {{{ if !./posts.length }}} <div class="text-muted text-xs">[[category:no_new_posts]]</div> {{{ end }}} </div> </div> </div> {{{ end }}} </div>
The concept for a categories page based on category card, what do you think?
The cards concept is definitely neat!
We ended up choosing a more traditional layout for Persona (and now for Harmony) because that is the user expectation, but many years ago we did do a cards-based approach in our Lavender theme
Nice to see it making a comeback!
@julian said in Category Card (beta version):
Nice to see it making a comeback!
Everything new is well-forgotten old