css problem for avatars?
the browsing user part is fixed, but for previews, it is still not normal...
Heh, I just noted this as well:
which version of fontawesome NodeBB 3.0 uses?
@crazycells 6.x
@baris is "bxSlider dependency" still a problem with the new version?
I miss the times when I was using my finger to check the recent cards...
I replaced the bxSlider dependecy with slick carousel https://github.com/kenwheeler/slick.
This doesn't seem to have the problem that bxSlider has, although it took a bit more work to get it working. Installed the latest version of recent cards(3.1.0) on this forum so you can test on mobile.
hi @baris , am I correct to assume draggable recent cards are only available for NodeBB v3?
Is there any specific version of the plugin that works for NodeBB v2 and slidable?
@baris said in css problem for avatars?:
I should be able to backport it to 2.x of recent cards.
that would be great. I guess we have
version that is compatible with NodeBB v2 , does github allow to publish2.0.23
after 3.x? -
@crazycells publishing happens on npm and yes you can publish new patch versions on 2.x
@crazycells published v2.0.23, let me know how it works on nodebb 2.x