Message to guests browsing??
@AnOdeToBB @dunlix yes - very easy to configure. I've set this up on my site
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Hi all,
Is there any plugin that will entice users to sign up? Maybe some sort of message that appears if user isn't registered?
For example "Enjoying what you see? Why not register a free account and become a part of an expanding community?"
@anodetobb It would be a text widget (or html) with a text of your choice and in a container of your choice, you can customize in the widgets part of the acp
@AnOdeToBB @dunlix yes - very easy to configure. I've set this up on my site
A bit more "refined"
@phenomlab Yes, but now your box blocks the register button. Perhaps on the middle of the screen?
@dunlix yes, but there is also a register and login link in the message