NodeBB Mailchimps plugin not workig
@zenkamal can you post error logs if there is any? both browser's console and
./nodebb log
output? also, which version of the mailchimp are you using?thanks
I'm using 0.2.0. Not sure if I'm doing this right, but typed in
./nodebb log
and tried the plugin again, and there wasn't any output. Is browser console the same as dev mode? If so, nothing there either. Just no action when saving if the welcome email is checked. -
i see, will attempt to reproduce tomorrow. too tired to read anything tonight.
And yes, the browser's console is the developer console, or dev modestay tuned.
Ain't no thang, thanks for checking. I'm not 100% certain on how to get the various transactional emails to work, and whether mailchimp is needed if I already have mandrill. But I'd like to at least send myself a test welcome email.
The mailchimp plugin was originally written to sort of gather all users emails, as there was no way to export them, and even before the emailer system was implemented. Currently, I think sending a welcome email via MailChimp is sort of redundant, as the NodeBB process, if you have an emailer plugin installed (such as Mandrill or Mailgun etc.) will send a verification email to each user, welcoming them and asking them to verify their email (don't quote me on that, try it)
Also now, there is a way to export users' emails, using the Export CSV options in the NodeBB admin panel. and I am aware that the team have a feature on their plate to support email-blast to groups and users. (Till then, if you want to blast emails, you can export your users into CSV format and use this that uses your same mandrill key to blast emails.)
The Mandrill plugin (or any other emailer, there is a few) is required if your NodeBB app needs to send emails, such as Verification/Welcome emails, Daily Digest, Password resets, etc..., I find this one to be a necessity.
Bottom line, you do not really need this mailchimp plugin, installing the mandrill one should be sufficient, but I will address the issue you're seeing tomorrow.
track issue here please
Thanks, that clears it up. I'll make some new test users and see if Mandrill welcomes them.
fixed for 0.6.x
Does it work for v1.0.3 ??? Seams nonworking here!
Edit: It works but it does not att First and Lastname. It would also be nice with a test api button in the api!
@Jenkler file ticket here: this is an old thread