Pre-create a user to be used by session sharing
In the session sharing admin screen, there is option "Don't automatically create NodeBB accounts for unrecognized users", which has this as description "By default, an unrecognized user id found in a payload cookie will have a local NodeBB account automatically created for it. If enabled, that cookie will not resolve into a session and that client will remain a guest."
I assumed there is a case where there is a recognizable user id that can be used by session sharing to associate to existing nodebb account. Is there a way to create (via write API?) nodeBB account that can be used by session sharing?As far as I know, session sharing uses "unique id" (passed in to JWT token as "id") to find existing user created via session sharing
My question is, what's the right way to pre-create nodeBB account to be used by session sharing?
I've tried using write API, but session-sharing create a new account instead of using the one created by write API
I've tried to open connection to (using java's urlConnection) and send cookie, but it doesn't work - I think I need to go to specific URL for this to workCan you please help me?
@budisetiawan Hm, that is a good question.
I added that option because someone wanted the ability to stop new registrations from being made after a certain point, so I assume they just enabled that option after they were finished adding users.
How are you creating the user via Write API? If they have the same email as a session-sharing user, the plugin will automatically associate that user with the pre-created account.
You can either use Write API to create the account, or do so manually in the ACP.