how to remote start and keep running NodeBB
I install NodeBB with MongoDB in CentOS 7.2 by SSH.
(not use Nginx now)It can setup NodeBB by the setup page.
But when I start NodeBB , it shows error message below:
error message:
Looks like your connection to NodeBB was lost, please wait while we try to reconnect.
I try "forever start app.js" , "./nodebb start", or use service according to the guide ""
but it 's the same problem.
I tried "./nodebb dev" , NodeBB works when I keep SSH console.
when I close SSH, NodeBB must be stopped, cause it has the same error message before I to do ? thanks
@creatxr have you checked those two topics?
I've some puzzles.
I've changed"url": "http://localhost:4567" to "url": "http://my.real.ip:4567"
now it works.
but, I did it before and start NodeBB with "forever start app.js" or "./nodebb start",
even I keep SSH console open, NodeBB still has the error message.
yes, it seems only service could get to work.
the "forever start app.js" or "./nodebb start"
cannot work.
because before i've changed url , but it has same error message.
when i changed to use service and change the url, it works.
so maybe only the way of config service could use in centos?