Error installing Mandrill emailer plugin
@planner done.
npm update nodebb-plugin-emailer-mandrill
to get the 0.1.0 version. Please be aware that the previous settings (apiKey), if you had any, will not be persisted, so you will need to re-enter it.
I basically re-stole @julian mailgun's codez.
Ok, so I have Mandrill up and running. Just one major issue: The verification email is taking the form
That's not good. I think it has to do with a proxy_set_header setting, but I'm not too sure.
While I'm googling, anybody dealt with this before?
Btw, my setup is Varnish >> Nginx >> NodeBB
Fixed, i had to as suggested by several users to change my "base_url" or "url" (depends on your nodebb version). But i had to add the key "port" in the config.json as well.
"url": "",
"port": "1234"