I understand that you want to emphasize that your open source project has lots of financial backers.
I understand that you want to emphasize that your open source project has lots of financial backers. Just consider that this particular list of financial backers does not exactly fill me with confidence
replied to Jason Lefkowitz last edited by
@jalefkowit At least it's pretty clear what the project's useful for so... yay? I guess?
replied to Dan Sugalski last edited by
@wordshaper The strange thing is that it's a perfectly cromulent general-purpose tool, there's nothing about it that is specific to online gaming or shady social network scamming. It just happens to have attracted lots of financial support from those worlds.
replied to Jason Lefkowitz last edited by
"Nonono, our sponsor is LEGAL Casino." Oh ok. That sounds legit
replied to Jason Lefkowitz last edited by
My retirement plan involves putting everything on red at Casino Without Swedish License
replied to Jason Lefkowitz last edited by
@jalefkowit @wordshaper Might be SEO "pay-for-links" thing from the perspective of the sponsors?
replied to Itamar Turner-Trauring last edited by
@itamarst @wordshaper Quite possibly! But offering the project's website as a cheap way to scam search engines wouldn't exactly fill me with confidence in the project either
replied to Jason Lefkowitz last edited by
@jalefkowit what on earth...a PRNG package or...
replied to Waylon Jeggings last edited by
@dustin I'd post a link, but it's a JavaScript library and in my experience critiquing a JavaScript library is construed as an open invitation for people to suggest ten thousand indistinguishable alternative JavaScript libraries
replied to Jason Lefkowitz last edited by
@jalefkowit is this real