Want to run your own personal #ActivityPub server, but don't have the server specs to install Mastodon? Try #Hollo, a lightweight personal ActivityPub server!
Want to run your own personal #ActivityPub server, but don't have the server specs to install Mastodon? Try #Hollo, a lightweight personal ActivityPub server!
개인용 ActivityPub 서버를 운영하고 싶지만, Mastodon나 Misskey을 설치하기에는 서버 사양이 넉넉치 않아서 고민이신가요? 그럼 개인용 경량 ActivityPub 서버인 Hollo를 써 보세요!
@[email protected] hi, https://hollo.social/tags/Hollo seems to be a broken link
@hollo It looks interesting, but it also looks like a similar set of services as Mastodon (api server, postgres, redis) with an S3 server in Hollo and SideKiq in Mastodon. Given it's a single user implementation, that doesn't seem particularly lightweight. How would you compare it to something like #snac2 that is a single process (AFAIK), uses file-based storage, and also implements the Mastodon API?
@steve Oh, this is the first I've heard of snac2, thanks for letting me know.
Hollo used to rely on Redis, but we don't anymore. In the long run, we'll remove the dependency on S3-compatible storage as well (or make it an optional dependency).
I don't know much about snac2, but at first glance it looks like Hollo has a bit more functionality: quotes, emoji reactions, Markdown, etc.
@hollo Sounds good. I was looking at the Docker Compose config when I saw Redis. Side comment... I've always wondered why an implementation would be limited to a single user since one needs to implement most of what's needed for multiuser anyway. I'm looking for an implementation to migrate to from Mastodon (I have a single user Masto instance). How flexible are the URIs in hollo? Can it be configured to use the Mastodon URI structure for data migration purposes?
@hollo However, I might need more than one actor (for bots, etc.). That's why I'm asking about multi-"user" support. I assume it wouldn't be difficult to support since Fedify supports it. BTW, Fedify looks very nice. Great work!