Saskatchewan Party wins 5th consecutive majority government | CBC News
The Saskatchewan Party will remain the governing party of the Prairie province it is named after, with Scott Moe continuing at its helm.
CBC (www.cbc.ca)
At least my friend (who was subject to some incredibly nasty attacks) re-won his seat by a landslide, and NDP gained a lot. But my stupid MLA is going to be another awful Sask Party horrorshow who will probably never respond to my emails and phone calls. I see loads of protests against transphobic policies and funding cuts for education in my future. DAMMIT. I am so tired of conservatives.
Prof. Sam Lawlerreplied to Prof. Sam Lawler last edited by
One small glimmer of hope, they haven't counted any of the mail-in ballots yet. (Which means *my* vote hasn't actually been counted yet - so there's one more against my horrible Sask Party MLA waiting to be counted...but I doubt there are 1000 against him waiting to be counted).
Saskatchewan trans folks, I see you, I support you, I will protest with you and for you! I hate the Sask Party so, so much.
Chris Alemany🇺🇦🇨🇦🇪🇸replied to Prof. Sam Lawler last edited by
@sundogplanets I am so sorry you have to continue with that man leading the province with that party. But I hope at least that the surge of the NDP is a sign of things to come.