At least my friend (who was subject to some incredibly nasty attacks) re-won his seat by a landslide, and NDP gained a lot. But my stupid MLA is going to be another awful Sask Party horrorshow who will probably never respond to my emails and phone calls. I see loads of protests against transphobic policies and funding cuts for education in my future. DAMMIT. I am so tired of conservatives.
Prof. Sam Lawlerreplied to Prof. Sam Lawler last edited by
One small glimmer of hope, they haven't counted any of the mail-in ballots yet. (Which means *my* vote hasn't actually been counted yet - so there's one more against my horrible Sask Party MLA waiting to be counted...but I doubt there are 1000 against him waiting to be counted).
Saskatchewan trans folks, I see you, I support you, I will protest with you and for you! I hate the Sask Party so, so much.
Chris Alemany🇺🇦🇨🇦🇪🇸replied to Prof. Sam Lawler last edited by
@sundogplanets I am so sorry you have to continue with that man leading the province with that party. But I hope at least that the surge of the NDP is a sign of things to come.