Pick 3
[email protected]replied to Maven (famous) last edited by
Divine Powers
Bitches think they can bury me in a cave behind a boulder? I don't fucking think so.
That said, I do need more detail "power syphoning." Seems like a no-brainer if you get to keep them.
[email protected]replied to Maven (famous) last edited by
Immortal, healing, shape shifter
the rest I can get with time and cunning
It's attractive, not attract. I am reading that as being attractive
[email protected]replied to Maven (famous) last edited by
This is so imbalanced and vague.
People used to go full on Rainman designing these CYOAs.
OOOOH! I was fully seeing it as being attractive to that gender. You're definitely right tho. It's being that gender and being attractive.
[email protected]replied to Maven (famous) last edited by
Invulnerability, Invisibility, Psychic
[email protected]replied to Maven (famous) last edited by
Easy: Attractive Female, Attractive Male and implants.
[email protected]replied to Maven (famous) last edited by
What if I already have the power of being attractive
Do I have to waste a choice to keep it?
[email protected]replied to Maven (famous) last edited by
With Invisibility and Phasing you don't need to pick Super Rich.
[email protected]replied to Maven (famous) last edited by
Insanely Rich x 3
[email protected]replied to Maven (famous) last edited by
Does sub-mariner come with flight and super strength or is it owning an actual submarine?
[email protected]replied to Maven (famous) last edited by
I will be Useless Man!
Radiation, super smell, syphon ability (there are no super heros so no abilities to syphon.)
Shape Shifter, Teleport, Insanely rich.
- Be anyone/anything I want to be
- Go wherever I want instantly
- and if i need anything else, just buy it with money
[email protected]replied to Maven (famous) last edited by
Agility, Radiation and "gadgets", or
Immortal, Flight and Invulnerability?
Nah, Attractive female, Insanely rich and Super Smell of course!
[email protected]replied to Maven (famous) last edited by
1 insanely rich so i dont have to work.
2 magic so i can be impressive and perform impossible fears, thereby recovering the majority of the skills i didnt pick
3 psychic so i can know what others know, uncover secrets, predict behavior, prevent crime, predict weather, and potentially talk to pets -
[email protected]replied to ImpulseDrive42 last edited by
Do you need money if you can just teleport into a bank vault, grab some gold, and teleport out?
[email protected]replied to Maven (famous) last edited by
teleport, size manipulation, super smell. i am constantly teleporting into the rectums of famous actresses and experiencing ego death as their farts wash over me and erase all other sensations. i don't even remember my name or how long I've been doing this for. all i know is my mission. i am the fartshifter
[email protected]replied to Maven (famous) last edited by
What exactly are divine powers? Are you basically the blue dude from Watchmen?
[email protected]replied to Maven (famous) last edited by
Size manipulation is all i need...
[email protected]replied to Maven (famous) last edited by
Im thinking... Rich, healing, teleport
Solve any current problems with money, heal people/animals, easily and instantly go anywhere.
I would attempt to "heal" the ultra-rich from whatever their obvious problem is. Lol