Pick 3
It's attractive, not attract. I am reading that as being attractive
[email protected]replied to Maven (famous) last edited by
This is so imbalanced and vague.
People used to go full on Rainman designing these CYOAs.
OOOOH! I was fully seeing it as being attractive to that gender. You're definitely right tho. It's being that gender and being attractive.
[email protected]replied to Maven (famous) last edited by
Invulnerability, Invisibility, Psychic
[email protected]replied to Maven (famous) last edited by
Easy: Attractive Female, Attractive Male and implants.
[email protected]replied to Maven (famous) last edited by
What if I already have the power of being attractive
Do I have to waste a choice to keep it?
[email protected]replied to Maven (famous) last edited by
With Invisibility and Phasing you don't need to pick Super Rich.
[email protected]replied to Maven (famous) last edited by
Insanely Rich x 3
[email protected]replied to Maven (famous) last edited by
Does sub-mariner come with flight and super strength or is it owning an actual submarine?
[email protected]replied to Maven (famous) last edited by
I will be Useless Man!
Radiation, super smell, syphon ability (there are no super heros so no abilities to syphon.)
Shape Shifter, Teleport, Insanely rich.
- Be anyone/anything I want to be
- Go wherever I want instantly
- and if i need anything else, just buy it with money
[email protected]replied to Maven (famous) last edited by
Agility, Radiation and "gadgets", or
Immortal, Flight and Invulnerability?
Nah, Attractive female, Insanely rich and Super Smell of course!
[email protected]replied to Maven (famous) last edited by
1 insanely rich so i dont have to work.
2 magic so i can be impressive and perform impossible fears, thereby recovering the majority of the skills i didnt pick
3 psychic so i can know what others know, uncover secrets, predict behavior, prevent crime, predict weather, and potentially talk to pets -
[email protected]replied to ImpulseDrive42 last edited by
Do you need money if you can just teleport into a bank vault, grab some gold, and teleport out?
[email protected]replied to Maven (famous) last edited by
teleport, size manipulation, super smell. i am constantly teleporting into the rectums of famous actresses and experiencing ego death as their farts wash over me and erase all other sensations. i don't even remember my name or how long I've been doing this for. all i know is my mission. i am the fartshifter
[email protected]replied to Maven (famous) last edited by
What exactly are divine powers? Are you basically the blue dude from Watchmen?
[email protected]replied to Maven (famous) last edited by
Size manipulation is all i need...
[email protected]replied to Maven (famous) last edited by
Im thinking... Rich, healing, teleport
Solve any current problems with money, heal people/animals, easily and instantly go anywhere.
I would attempt to "heal" the ultra-rich from whatever their obvious problem is. Lol
[email protected]replied to Maven (famous) last edited by
I choose to become a nuclear submarine:
radiation + sub-mariner + super hearing -
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
I went with immortal, shape shift, and teleport.
There’s no range to the teleport listed, and I’m just going to assume that shape shift can alter biological function and not just the meaty outer covering.. but ultimately it doesn’t really matter that much because immortal.
This would be a great way to explore the universe and a search for life. Maybe settle down somewhere if you find an advanced society that sucks less than humans.