I am a human least likely to be impacted by pornography legislation, and the new US porn ID checks are stupid, ineffective, and dangerous to cyber security and privacy.
I am a human least likely to be impacted by pornography legislation, and the new US porn ID checks are stupid, ineffective, and dangerous to cyber security and privacy. A big database of ID info is always a target, and socially engineering people to install malicious evasive tools is way too easy.
Lesley Carhart :unverified:replied to Lesley Carhart :unverified: last edited by
Anyone who’s worked in a SOC can tell you how many people use their work computers for porn while traveling to those states…
kauerreplied to Lesley Carhart :unverified: last edited by
@hacks4pancakes what's an SOC?
A security operation center
Lesley Carhart :unverified:replied to Eris2cats last edited by
@eris2cats @kauer Else known as the people who read your email at work
Wombatadonreplied to Lesley Carhart :unverified: last edited by
@hacks4pancakes @eris2cats @kauer usually not, that stuff is a little tricky. Legally, not technically.
Squadsreplied to Lesley Carhart :unverified: last edited by
@hacks4pancakes As someone unlikely to be directly affected by pornography legislation, I still find the new US porn ID checks alarming.
They’re a cybersecurity nightmare waiting to happen, and they’ll only push people toward risky workarounds.
Is there really no better solution?
@tjbutt58 @hacks4pancakes @eris2cats @kauer psst, Lesley is right and knows more than you think.
Even including your scenario, she's still right.