Limit log in attempts
Nodebb is still in it's early stages. It takes time to develop a fully featured and functional forum app. I'm sure this will be added eventually, and if you want it sooner I recommend making a thread in feature suggestions.
@HolyPhoenix said:
Nodebb is still in it's early stages. It takes time to develop a fully featured and functional forum app. I'm sure this will be added eventually, and if you want it sooner I recommend making a thread in feature suggestions.
I understand NodeBB is in nascent stage. But this is something really important. I guess we often miss small important things when we have a macro perspective. Let me ping @psychobunny and @julian .
Now I think of it, we can email and One Time Password to the user's email ID and that plus original password will unlock the account. But OTM to be used only use only once url email with OTM.
I can be hard but will perfectly secure user accounts.
Just a random idea unrelated kind of but it would be so cool to have a two-factor authentication system with your mobile device.
Not if we write our own one But yeah, that's not happening anytime soon, so much other fish to fry
Just leaving this here: