[nodebb-plugin-reactions] Reactions plugin for NodeBB
@baris said in [nodebb-plugin-reactions] Reactions plugin for NodeBB:
@dave1904 correct. Right now the bodyShort property isn't parsed like a post so plugins like markdown/emoji aren't turning the markup into html.
Maybe you would have to associate the emoji alias with the file name, find the image and replace the alias in bodyShort.
For now I will use this basic solution. You get a notification for every reaction without any aggregation but I'm happy with it.
@dave1904 you can try to use this code https://github.com/NodeBB-Community/nodebb-plugin-reactions/blob/master/library.js#L20C10-L33 to turn the reaction into an emoji for use in bodyShort. Maybe like this
const notifObj = await notifications.create({ bodyShort: `User ${socket.uid} has reacted with ${parse(data.reaction)} to your post`, nid: `user:${socket.uid}:reacted:${data.pid}`, pid: data.pid, uid: postOwnerUid, tid: data.tid, from: socket.uid, path: `/post/${data.pid}` });
@dave1904 I've added support for this in reactions plugin with a proper language string so it can be translated. https://github.com/NodeBB-Community/nodebb-plugin-reactions/commit/da7d546129bb79341790c609e9d08b86419b8012
Feel free to send translations for other languages.
@baris Thanks! May I ask how did you manage to render the emojis without calling the
function? Istranslator.compile()
doing the same and does this also work for custom emojis that are not unicode?Here is the
{ "reactions": "Reaktionen", "add-reaction": "Reaktion hinzufĂŒgen", "error.invalid-reaction": "UngĂŒltige Reaktion", "error.maximum-reached": "Maximale Reaktionen erreicht", "error.maximum-per-user-per-post-reached": "Maximale Reaktionen pro Nutzer und Beitrag erreicht", "settings.title": "Plugin-Einstellungen fĂŒr Reaktionen", "settings.enable-post-reactions": "Reaktionen auf Posts aktivieren", "settings.max-reactions-per-post": "Maximale eindeutige Reaktionen pro Beitrag (0 fĂŒr unbegrenzt, Standard: 4)", "settings.max-reactions-per-user-per-post": "Maximale Reaktionen pro Nutzer und Beitrag (0 fĂŒr unbegrenzt)", "settings.max-reactions-per-user-per-post-help": "Der Grenzwert wird nur beim HinzufĂŒgen einer neuen Reaktion und nicht beim HinzufĂŒgen zu einer bestehenden Reaktion eingehalten.", "settings.enable-message-reactions": "Reaktionen auf Nachrichten aktivieren", "settings.max-reactions-per-message": "Maximale eindeutige Reaktionen pro Nachricht (0 fĂŒr unbegrenzt, Standard: 4)", "settings.max-reactions-per-user-per-message": "Maximale Reaktionen pro Benutzer und Nachricht (0 fĂŒr unbegrenzt)", "settings.max-reactions-per-user-per-message-help": "Der Grenzwert wird nur beim HinzufĂŒgen einer neuen Reaktion und nicht beim HinzufĂŒgen zu einer bestehenden Reaktion eingehalten.", "settings.reaction-reputations": "Reaktion Ansehen (optional)", "settings.reaction-reputations-help": "Sie können den einzelnen Reaktionen Ansehen zuweisen. Wenn eine Reaktion auf einen Beitrag angewendet wird, erhĂ€lt der EigentĂŒmer dieses Beitrags dieses Ansehen.", "settings.reaction-reputations.add": "Regel hinzufĂŒgen", "settings.reaction-reputations.reaction": "Reaktion", "settings.reaction-reputations.reputation": "Ansehen", "settings.reaction-reputations.remove": "Löschen", "settings.reaction-reputations.edit": "Bearbeiten", "notification.user-has-reacted-with-to-your-post-in-topic": "<strong>%1</strong> hat mit %2 auf deinen Beitrag in <strong>%3</strong> reagiert", "notification.user-has-reacted-with-to-your-message-in-room": "<strong>%1</strong> hat mit %2 auf deine Nachricht in <strong class=\"text-nowrap\"><i class=\"fa %3\"></i>%4</strong> reagiert" }
edit: No luck on my dev instance:
@dave1904 there were 2 recent changes that allow this to work, one in core and one in emoji plugin
It works like this.
Create notification with the string
[[reactions:notification.user-has-reacted-with-to-your-post-in-topic, test1, :+1:, topicTitle]]
When user loads the notifications we translate that string to
<strong>test1</strong> has reacted with :+1: to your post in <strong>topicTitle</strong>
After that emoji plugin uses the hook
and calls parse to replace:+1:
with the emoji.
The translation and emoji replacement should happen here https://github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB/blob/master/src/user/notifications.js#L125-L135
Very cool features. Thanks @baris to add it
Here is the reactions.json for fr-FR
{ "reactions": "RĂ©actions", "add-reaction": "Ajouter une rĂ©action", "error.invalid-reaction": "RĂ©action invalide", "error.maximum-reached": "RĂ©actions maximales atteintes", "error.maximum-per-user-per-post-reached": "Nombre maximum de rĂ©actions par utilisateur et par publication atteint", "settings.title": "ParamĂštres du plugin RĂ©actions", "settings.enable-post-reactions": "Activer les rĂ©actions aux publications", "settings.max-reactions-per-post": "Nombre maximum de rĂ©actions uniques par publication (0 pour illimitĂ©, par dĂ©faut : 4)", "settings.max-reactions-per-user-per-post": "RĂ©actions maximales par utilisateur et par publication (0 pour illimitĂ©)", "settings.max-reactions-per-user-per-post-help": "La limite est appliquĂ©e uniquement lors de l'ajout d'une nouvelle rĂ©action et non lors du partage avec une rĂ©action existante.", "settings.enable-message-reactions": "Activer les rĂ©actions aux messages", "settings.max-reactions-per-message": "Nombre maximum de rĂ©actions uniques par message (0 pour illimitĂ©, par dĂ©faut : 4)", "settings.max-reactions-per-user-per-message": "RĂ©actions maximales par utilisateur et par message (0 pour illimitĂ©)", "settings.max-reactions-per-user-per-message-help": "La limite est appliquĂ©e uniquement lors de l'ajout d'une nouvelle rĂ©action et non lors du partage avec une rĂ©action existante.", "settings.reaction-reputations": "RĂ©putations de rĂ©action (facultatif)", "settings.reaction-reputations-help": "Vous pouvez attribuer une rĂ©putation aux rĂ©actions individuelles. Lorsquâune rĂ©action est appliquĂ©e Ă une publication, le propriĂ©taire de cette publication obtiendra cette rĂ©putation.", "settings.reaction-reputations.add": "Ajouter une rĂšgle", "settings.reaction-reputations.reaction": "RĂ©action", "settings.reaction-reputations.reputation": "RĂ©putation", "settings.reaction-reputations.remove": "Supprimer", "settings.reaction-reputations.edit": "Modifier", "notification.user-has-reacted-with-to-your-post-in-topic": "<strong>%1</strong> a rĂ©agi avec %2 Ă votre message dans <strong>%3</strong>", "notification.user-has-reacted-with-to-your-message-in-room": "<strong>%1</strong> a rĂ©agi avec %2 Ă votre message dans <strong class=\"text-nowrap\"><i class=\"fa %3\"></i>%4</strong>" }
The emoji doesn't appear, showing just numbers.