nodebb-plugin-browsing-users does not seem to work
Certainly getting my money's worth today...
Looks like
does not seem to work in posts in the sense that no users are ever shown despite a post being actively commented onSettings
Doesn't seem to display any users. @DownPW dev forum also has the same issue.
Entire DIV is missing when comparing HTML to this forum
ha yes I didn't even notice that!
Probably due to the update to 3.1.1 and my accumulated fatigue from that night but yes absolutely @phenomlabv.3.0.5 & nodebb 3.1.1
Maybe there is an order of execution for this plugin too @baris ? or maybe other problem ?
you edited in the meantime lol @phenomlab
I have the same problem with the reaction plugin last night. That's why I thought about it too ^^ (thanks Baris)
And yes that's right for me.
The plugin must run before the Harmony themeSo I put Harmony first so as not to have any more problems like this, in the order + rebuild and it seems to work too