3.0.0 Bug Report Thread
Forbidden error
It gives this error and I have to clear the cache and log out to allow login
This problem does not exist when you have just logged into the forum and want to enter the management panel, but when after a few minutes (I think you are 15 minutes) I want to enter the management page from the menu, this problem occurs.
On the reset password page...
When trying to visit the "API Access" menu, I get the following error:
This is a bit of a disaster as now, none of our membership automations etc will work because I can't configure the API settings!
Full error from console is:
2023-05-12T06:37:30.401Z [4567/91921] - error: GET /api/admin/settings/api?_=1683873301366 TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'map') at settingsController.api (/usr/bin/nodebb/src/controllers/admin/settings.js:115:52) at async /usr/bin/nodebb/src/routes/helpers.js:74:5
It's saying "tokens" is undefined within the following function:
settingsController.api = async (req, res) => { const { tokens } = await meta.settings.get('core.api'); const scores = await api.utils.getLastSeen(tokens.map(t => t.token)); const [lastSeen, lastSeenISO] = tokens.reduce((memo, cur, idx) => { memo[0][cur.token] = scores[idx]; memo[1][cur.token] = new Date(scores[idx]).toISOString(); return memo; }, [{}, {}]); res.render('admin/settings/api', { lastSeen, lastSeenISO }); };
I have worked around it by changing the line to:
const { tokens = [] } = await meta.settings.get('core.api');
I don't know yet whether there will be any knock-on effects!
I use latest tor browser and upgraded nodebb engine to 3.1.3 recently released version.
I am experience problems with CORS, can somebody help?I am getting error socket.io/?EIO=4&transport=polling&t= 403 Forbidden
My node server somehow refuses to authorize it socket.io request . -
replied to NikolaiPatrushev on last edited by
@NikolaiPatrushev are you have this socket error if use this onion mirror?
https://community.nodebb.org/topic/16981/nodebb-in-tor-works/3I don't know, but maybe solution for this sockets problem in here: https://community.nodebb.org/topic/13388/faq-websockets-not-working-due-to-misconfigured-origins
look what now my server saying
info: [socket.io] Restricting access to origin: i have ommited full address .onion:*
And i still receive same failure message
403 means that my server recognise the request, but for some unknow to me reason it refuse to forward further. -
it got even worse, i can login, but any changes in admin preferences are not saved, devs please fix this bug or provide workaround.