nodebb-plugin-extended-markdown not V3 comaptible
Hello @baris
On nodebb V2.x, I was using nodebb-plugin-extended-markdown plugin
GitHub - MinecraftForgeFrance/nodebb-plugin-extended-markdown: A NodeBB plugin to extend markdown with new feature as tooltip, anchor, custom text header with background, etc.
A NodeBB plugin to extend markdown with new feature as tooltip, anchor, custom text header with background, etc. - MinecraftForgeFrance/nodebb-plugin-extended-markdown
GitHub (
it no longer works on version 3.x
This plugin adds great markdown features for writing posts/topics and my users love it so I'm a bit annoyed.
I know that this is not an official plugin and that my request will surely be refused but in view of the things it brings to composer (text placement, spoiler, text color, text header, grouped code, info bubble, spoiler) , is there a tiny chance to see it forked to make it official or not to make this plugin v3 compatible? ?
thanks in advance for your answer
Big up !
I see you opened an issue on their repo, so let's wait and see if they respond before forking. The plugin seems simple and doesn't even have an admin page, so the only thing I can see that needs updating for 3.x is to update style.less to styles.scss.
yep no problem sir