Fix datetime for no-script
Hello! If use forum without javascript (tor+no-script), NodeBB not show the datetime on post. How i can fix it?
That's a bit tricky, because as you surmised, we use javascript to render the relative date and time.
It could be possible to update it so that we display a rendered date (basically, the ISO date) prior to loading, but we probably didn't do that for aesthetic reasons.
Interesting problem, though.
Timestamps for noscript users · Issue #11297 · NodeBB/NodeBB
We currently render relative timestamps via the timeago plugin. Users without javascript enabled don't see them, for obvious reasons. Solutions Show the ISO date in template, and then swap it out with the relative date, but there would b...
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@julian Hm... the datetime is work in the post with noscript if NodeBB don't have translate for you're language.
For example I do view this when javascript disable and I am use forum with my language (he is don't have a translate for topic:wrote-on).
@brazzerstop I am not certain whether this shows up on all timestamps.
For awhile the behaviour was to use
<span class="timeago" title="{iso string}"></span>
But there was never anything inside the tag, so it would be empty on load.
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