How can i know the admin userpassword
Hahaha -- that's a good point. I don't exactly like how it's hardcoding the first user at all... but for lack of a better option, I went ahead and did it that way.
Personally, I dislike how some CMSs (not naming names) auto-create an admin user, but it's always "admin", so it's very easy to attempt brute-forcing the password.
I agree with Julian.
I would even go further to say that /admin as a route to the admin controllers leaves some security to be desired. It's the first url they'll go after/try to hack.
If this were configurable, it would make things more secure, but might add some maintenance concerns, and might be challenging to implement at this stage in development.
For instance, I will probably manually rename the /admin controllers to /cmd or something different (pretty much anything other than admin).
Hi, I just got set up and am trying to log in as the admin and it doesn't give me access.
I called flushall on the database, restarted both the redis and node servers, and logged in as a user. But when I visit http://localhost:4567/admin, my access is denied.
What do I do? Thanks!
@aaron You can either use Homebrew or MacPorts, whatever floats your boat.
If you're familiar with them you can just use
port install imagemagick # OR brew install imagemagick
If you don't have either of those installed, check their web: -
@Ezra-Sharp This is a (relative to NodeBBs lifetime) very old thread
As far I remember of my last installation a secret had to be given while setup (afterwards editable within config.json) and username was admin, but I may be wrong.