Segmentation fault (core dumped) during install/setup of NodeBB v1.10.2
Yesterday I started running into trouble with my NodeBB (v1.10.2) install. Previously I had it working. I tried installing the db search plugin using the admin panel in the web app and restarted and ever since then I've had problems.
NPM_VERSION=6.4.0I'm actually running NodeBB in a docker container and its mongo database in another container. I have a script which identifies the ip address of the mongo container (stored in variable $nodebbmongodb_ip_address) and then launches NodeBB. The relevant lines of the script are:
echo '{"url": "","secret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","database": "mongo","mongo": {"host": "'$nodebbmongodb_ip_address'","port": "47017","password": "xxx","database": "nodebb"}}' >/nodebb/config.json /nodebb/nodebb upgrade echo '{"url": "","secret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","database": "mongo","mongo": {"host": "'$nodebbmongodb_ip_address'","port": "47017","password": "xxx","database": "nodebb"}}' >/nodebb/config.json node app --setup= '{"url": "","secret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","database": "mongo","mongo": {"host": "'$nodemongodb_ip_address'","port": "47017","password": "xxx","database": "nodebb"},"admin:username": "xxx","admin:password": "xxx","admin:password:confirm": "xxx","admin:email": "[email protected]"}' /nodebb/nodebb start
I know that's all a bit of a mess....basically it resulted from a lot of trial and error (trying to avoid errors if I didn't upgrade; trying to avoid the annoying "warn: You have no mongo username/password setup!" error that you see below).
Anyway, as of yesterday I started getting the segmentation error below. I've tried reverting back to a working snapshot (which relaunches the script above) and increasing memory....and a whole lot of other things....No luck!
Here is the log from the NodeBB container after relaunching/upgrading with my startup script today:
package.json not found. Populating package.json... OK Installing them now... Dependencies outdated or not yet installed. npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: CircularJSON is in maintenance only, flatted is its successor. npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: This version is no longer maintained. Please upgrade to the latest version. npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: This version is no longer maintained. Please upgrade to the latest version. npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: This version is no longer maintained. Please upgrade to the latest version. > [email protected] install /nodebb/node_modules/benchpressjs > cd rust/benchpress-rs && npm install npm WARN lifecycle [email protected]~install: cannot run in wd [email protected] neon build >> build.log 2>&1 || exit 0 (wd=/nodebb/node_modules/benchpressjs/rust/benchpress-rs) npm notice created a lockfile as package-lock.json. You should commit this file. added 86 packages from 83 contributors and audited 123 packages in 3.243s found 0 vulnerabilities > [email protected] install /nodebb/node_modules/sharp > (node install/libvips && node install/dll-copy && prebuild-install) || (node-gyp rebuild && node install/dll-copy) info sharp Downloading > [email protected] postinstall /nodebb/node_modules/preact > node -e "console.log('\u001b[35m\u001b[1mLove Preact? You can now donate to our open collective:\u001b[22m\u001b[39m\n > \u001b[34m\u001b[0m')" Love Preact? You can now donate to our open collective: > npm notice created a lockfile as package-lock.json. You should commit this file. npm WARN [email protected] requires a peer of eslint@^4.9.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself. npm WARN [email protected] requires a peer of ajv@^6.0.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself. added 619 packages from 740 contributors and audited 2673 packages in 38.335s found 5 vulnerabilities (1 low, 4 moderate) run `npm audit fix` to fix them, or `npm audit` for details OK Updating NodeBB... 1. Updating package.json file with defaults... OK 2. Bringing base dependencies up to date... started audited 2673 packages in 5.783s found 5 vulnerabilities (1 low, 4 moderate) run `npm audit fix` to fix them, or `npm audit` for details 3. Checking installed plugins for updates...2018-11-06T03:47:04.940Z [14] - warn: You have no mongo username/password setup! OK [benchpressjs] Unable to build or find a suitable native module, falling back to JS version 4. Updating NodeBB data store schema...2018-11-06T03:47:06.360Z [14] - warn: You have no mongo username/password setup! 2018-11-06T03:47:06.382Z [14] - warn: [cache-buster] could not read cache buster message=ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/nodebb/build/cache-buster', stack=Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/nodebb/build/cache-buster', errno=-2, code=ENOENT, syscall=open, path=/nodebb/build/cache-buster Parsing upgrade scripts... OK | 0 script(s) found, 64 skipped Schema update complete! 5. Rebuilding assets... started 2018-11-06T03:47:06.423Z [14] - warn: You have no mongo username/password setup! 2018-11-06T03:47:06.460Z [14] - info: [build] Building in parallel mode 2018-11-06T03:47:06.461Z [14] - info: [build] plugin static dirs build started 2018-11-06T03:47:06.463Z [14] - info: [build] requirejs modules build started 2018-11-06T03:47:06.464Z [14] - info: [build] client js bundle build started 2018-11-06T03:47:06.465Z [14] - info: [build] admin js bundle build started 2018-11-06T03:47:06.466Z [14] - info: [build] client side styles build started 2018-11-06T03:47:06.467Z [14] - info: [build] admin control panel styles build started 2018-11-06T03:47:06.468Z [14] - info: [build] templates build started 2018-11-06T03:47:06.468Z [14] - info: [build] languages build started 2018-11-06T03:47:06.469Z [14] - info: [build] sounds build started 2018-11-06T03:47:06.583Z [14] - info: [build] sounds build completed in 0.114sec 2018-11-06T03:47:06.585Z [14] - info: [build] plugin static dirs build completed in 0.124sec 2018-11-06T03:47:30.467Z [14] - info: [build] client side styles build completed in 24.001sec 2018-11-06T03:47:32.302Z [14] - info: [build] languages build completed in 25.834sec 2018-11-06T03:47:39.650Z [14] - info: [build] client js bundle build completed in 33.185sec 2018-11-06T03:47:39.651Z [14] - info: [build] admin js bundle build completed in 33.186sec 2018-11-06T03:47:44.160Z [14] - info: [build] admin control panel styles build completed in 37.693sec 2018-11-06T03:47:45.427Z [14] - info: [build] templates build completed in 38.959sec 2018-11-06T03:47:46.060Z [14] - info: [build] requirejs modules build completed in 39.597sec 2018-11-06T03:47:46.061Z [14] - info: [build] Asset compilation successful. Completed in 39.601sec. NodeBB Upgrade Complete! 2018-11-06T03:47:46.654Z [111] - info: NodeBB v1.10.2 Copyright (C) 2013-2018 NodeBB Inc. 2018-11-06T03:47:46.656Z [111] - info: This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. 2018-11-06T03:47:46.657Z [111] - info: This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. 2018-11-06T03:47:46.657Z [111] - info: 2018-11-06T03:47:46.735Z [111] - info: Initializing NodeBB v1.10.2 2018-11-06T03:47:46.848Z [111] - warn: You have no mongo username/password setup! [benchpressjs] Unable to build or find a suitable native module, falling back to JS version Segmentation fault (core dumped) Starting NodeBB "./nodebb stop" to stop the NodeBB server "./nodebb log" to view server output "./nodebb help" for more commands
Any suggestions?
@quokka said in Segmentation fault (core dumped) during install/setup of NodeBB v1.10.2:
trying to avoid the annoying "warn: You have no mongo username/password setup!" error that you see below).
That is already patched. -
The "Segmentation fault (core dumped)" error disappeared today after rebuilding my container with this additional line added to my Dockerfile after installing NodeBB:
RUN npm install [email protected]
Not 100% sure that's the reason its fixed....but anyway it's gone..