Mobile Menu Composer Bug
Hey Folks,
Having a problem on mobile with the menu and chat slideouts showing up when I swipe from the left or right in the composer. Tried multiple other sites and saw this wasn't a trend so hoping someone can help!
Happy to provide additional details
What browser? What version of NodeBB?
@PitaJ I am running 1.10.0 on Chrome (Version 70.0.3538.77 ) but had previously been running 1.10.2 and had to roll-back to the current version due to styling issues with the Timuu theme.
Wondering if maybe some of the assets (maybe pulling.js) did not roll-back?
@PitaJ Just noticed that is is also happening in desktop mode when using my touch screen on laptop though the styling is missing.
I believe there was an update the came with 1.10.1 or 1.10.2 that fixed pulling to resolve this very issue.