Node.js & cmd Filter file by extension and text in file
I need to process/filter files by their extension and text inside the file.
It must be via the command-line.This is the cmd line:
C:\myFolder> node search.js [extension][any text]
I only managed to isolate the 2 strings:var file_extension = process.argv[2]; var words_in_file = process.argv[3];
But now I need to build a filter that takes 2 args: 'file_extension' & 'words_in_file'
returns(display) a list of all files(full-path) ending with this extension (e.g txt/js/html etc..)
and containing the text of the second argument.
including in the sub folders files(if any).1.How do I get only the files with the extension that was passed?(absolut path) 2.How do I read the file content and compare it to the text that was passed? 3.How to display it all in the cmd?
Thank you.
It looks like you've misunderstood the purpose of this forum. This is the community forum for the Node.js-based forum software known as NodeBB.
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