Help needed, first taste on nodebb and deploying an application
Hi all,
I am only a front-ended developer with some JavaScript experiences. I have poor knowledge in backend development.
Before this, I had a period of ruby on rails practice. So, I think I can understand how an Application and Database work together, IMAO.Back to nodebb, I have done eveything well/correct and have run my nodebb forum as expected.
I never used redis before, so I customized the database configuration followed by the documentation. I am sure everything is going correct, of course with some faults fixed. Since the Application running, I can see the initial post and the user admin which were created in the process of setup is ready to work.The question is: Where is the data in my mongoDB? The intial post, the user admin and his password. I see nothing on the database, e.g.
.Any responses are grateful.
Thanks a lot. -
@2375 you won't find the admin password in the database, only a salted hash.
Anyways, you can find the DB things in mongo like this:
For redis:
GET keykey
db.objects.find({ _key: "keykey" })