Add back real-time list of people viewing thread?
Thanks for letting me know! Over the weekend, we have attracted a number of groups who are looking at our NodeBB-powered forum with significant interest. The feedback has been uniformly enthusiastic, and people have not seen anything like this before!
Will this plugin be compatible with NodeBB v1.3.0, or will we need to wait for the next release? I will install it as soon as it becomes available and stable, as I think it is immensely impactful.
Thank you for working on this!
Hi guys! I have been out working on other aspects of Expii for several months, and am coming back to our NodeBB installation. Time to upgrade to your new versions.
I am curious: how far along is the support for real time display of users viewing the same thread as you?
Ok published 1.0.1 of the plugin, you need to pair it up with the develop branch or wait for 1.5.0. There will be a
array in the topic route so you can modify your template and add the list of users with the below template.<!-- BEGIN browsingUsers --> <li data-uid="{browsingUsers.uid}"> <a href="{config.relative_path}/user/{browsingUsers.userslug}"> <!-- IF browsingUsers.picture --> <img src="{browsingUsers.picture}" /> <!-- ELSE --> <div class="user-icon" style="background-color: {browsingUsers.icon:bgColor};">{browsingUsers.icon:text}</div> <!-- ENDIF browsingUsers.picture --> </a> </li> <!-- END browsingUsers -->
Great! I'll wait until 1.5.0.
Also, as I was watching this thread with my browser open, I noticed that it didn't auto-refresh when there was a new reply. I remember the old version used to do that in real time whenever someone replied and your browser window was open. Will that feature come back too?