Using Websockets in your Plugin
Thanks to @Mr_Waffle from BitBangers for writing this article! Source: BitBangers
#The Problem
Say you want your plugin to communicate between client and server using websockets. There isn't a documented (or "official") way on how to hook into the websockets API of NodeBB.I was facing this issue with the Shoutbox plugin, and had to find a clever way to get it to work. The way I found is a bit "hackish" but actually works really well and is now actually being used by a core developer in one of his plugins.
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@SN0WBLiND__ wrong. it's 10010000001000111101010111010110010111011000011100000100100011011101010111000111110
@frissdiegurke I thought it was 0x4811EAEB2EC38246EAE3E ?