Scale able editor
From looking at this demo, the editor/reply window need's to be changed, It's nice as it stands but can be very limited to use on some smaller screens, the editor should be set as a user scale-able option with some sort of system to save how the user wants the editor to site and be at what size
thanks @Toyz we are planning a revamp of the post editor which needs some work on mobile especially. stay tuned:)
Fantastic! We really appreciate any help you can give us.
The entire topic view overhaul discussion is contained in this Github Issue
I will look at it Julian, I also have done work for a company called IMVU in helping patch exploits in software and also wrote there actual first ever mobile apps for there program. On top of that I wrote my own Middleware for NodeJS that I am implanting in my personal site that communicated with every API they have
As for this with NodeBB I will love to help out and learn of how NodeJS handles certain task etc etc So I can better myself and my Engineering Skills as I do wish to create a Social Network, I could potentially use NodeBB as the base