Stupid MongoDB Question
Hey all,
For the life of me I can't find any MongoDB documentation about the database password. All of my searches pull up dozens of articles on resetting user passwords for various popular implementations of MongoDB. I want to beef up security (if this even does that) and clear this warning I get when I start nodebb:
21/3 20:39 [9041] - info: Initializing NodeBB v1.0.2
21/3 20:39 [9041] - warn: You have no mongo password setup!
Is there a simple, DB noob friendly way to put a password on this thing without breaking my forum?
Thanks in advance..
@charles said:
@Dielan try this
Before I do that, where do I configure the db user and password for NodeBB? do I add it to config.json ? I remember it was an option in the GUI when I ran npm to install the forum in the first place, but I don't know where to change it now.
@charles said:
@Dielan the web installer add info to the config.json so you can modify it to match your db and user
I think i'm confused. This is what config.JSON looks like now:
root@xxx:/NodeBB/nodebb# cat config.json
{ "url": "http://xxx:4567", "secret": xxx, "database": "mongo", "port": 4567, "mongo": { "host": "", "port": "27017", "username": "mongodb", "database": "0" } }
Obviously I x'd out some things in there for privacy. What do I need to add exactly?
@Dielan if you create a mongo user called nodebbuser and the database to be nodebbdb then it will look like this
{ "url": "http://xxx:4567", "secret": "xxx", "database": "mongo", "port": 4567, "mongo": { "host": "", "port": "27017", "username": "nodebbuser", "database": "nodebbdb" } }
add the password with in
"mongo": { }
so your config.json would look like this
{ "url": "http://xxx:4567", "secret": xxx, "database": "mongo", "port": 4567, "mongo": { "host": "", "port": "27017", "username": "mongodb", "password": "mymongopwd", "database": "0" } }