Change email subject
I know that one can mess around with the email templates, but I see no way to change the subject of the email.
Like:[sitename #topic_id] topic_name
I need to include the topic id in the subject because I need to parse the subject ( postfix forward pointing to a Yii console controller, if you must know) - do I need to mess around in the source code?
I am implementing reply by email, btw.
And since I am a PHP developer, I am using the api and dirty tricks -
I also do know that I can grab the topic id from the URL - that thought came to me just now - but it is easier to just regex the subject.
/* puts nodejs on list of stuff to learn .. */
Ok, I will perhaps try and look into that
I just did a stupidly simple (stupid?) plugin but it does not seem to do much
(function(module) { "use strict"; var autoreplyit = {}; autoreplyit.filter = function(data) { data.subject = data.subject + ' #' +; }; module.exports = autoreplyit; }(module));
{ "id": "nodebb-plugin-autoreplyit", "name": "NodeBB Autoreply email subject changer", "description": "NodeBB Plugin that changes the email subject field to include the topic id.", "url": "", "library": "./library.js", "hooks": [ { "hook": "filter:email.modify", "method": "filter" } ] }
It works
(function(module) { "use strict"; var autoreplyit = {}; autoreplyit.filter = function(data, callback) { var re = /http:\/\/nodebbjacmoe-jacmoe\.rhcloud\.com\/topic\/(\d+)/; var str = data.plaintext; var found = str.match(re); data.subject = data.subject + ' #' + found[1]; callback(null, data); }; module.exports = autoreplyit; }(module));
Totally hard-coded, of course
I am fully aware that it is only a matter of time before a kind soul points out to me that I can easily get the site url from a dark corner of the API - but, hey: it works.
Now the receiving PHP script can grab the topic id and make sure that it is sent to the right place. -
Thanks a lot @julian
I threw in an
just in case - but I am always amazed by how little code is required.
That seem to happen a lot with Node.js and a well written software entitled NodeBB