Clear cache after 0.8.0 upgrade & can NOT login
OK did a roll back
Then did the upgrade again
Then cleared cache
And low and behold, I can NOT login, nor any other user.. Had someone else check itMy steps...
thomasfraley@nodebb:~/nodebb$ clear
thomasfraley@nodebb:~/nodebb$ git fetchremote: Counting objects: 1896, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (152/152), done.
remote: Total 1896 (delta 1175), reused 1104 (delta 1102), pack-reused 642
Receiving objects: 100% (1896/1896), 329.71 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1495/1495), completed with 229 local objects.
944fc6e..f7648c2 v0.7.x -> origin/v0.7.x- [new branch] acp-paper -> origin/acp-paper
a990e9c..a1fb234 master -> origin/master - [new branch] persona-2.1 -> origin/persona-2.1
a1f49f6..0c62b0a v0.6.x -> origin/v0.6.x
4f57227..796cf1b v0.8.x -> origin/v0.8.x - [new tag] v0.8.0 -> v0.8.0
thomasfraley@nodebb:~/nodebb$ git checkout v0.8.x
Branch v0.8.x set up to track remote branch v0.8.x from origin.
Switched to a new branch 'v0.8.x'thomasfraley@nodebb:~/nodebb$ git merge origin/v0.8.x
Already up-to-date.thomasfraley@nodebb:~/nodebb$ git pull
Already up-to-date.
thomasfraley@nodebb:~/nodebb$ ls
app.js Dockerfile loader.js nodebb.bat public
bcrypt.js Gruntfile.js logs node_modules
config.json install minifier.js npm-shrinkwrap.json src LICENSE nodebb package.json teststhomasfraley@nodebb:~/nodebb$ ./nodebb upgrade
Bringing base dependencies up to date... OK
Updating NodeBB data store schema.
Warning: Redis server does not require a password, but a password was supplied.
Warning: Redis server does not require a password, but a password was supplied.
Warning: Redis server does not require a password, but a password was supplied.
28/8 07:26 [1240] - info: Beginning database schema update
28/8 07:26 [1240] - info: [2015/02/08] Clearing reset tokens skipped
28/8 07:26 [1240] - info: [2015/02/17] renaming home.tpl to categories.tpl skipped
28/8 07:26 [1240] - info: [2015/2/23] Activating NodeBB Essential Rewards - skipped
28/8 07:26 [1240] - info: [2015/02/24] Upgrading plugins:active to sorted set skipped
28/8 07:26 [1240] - info: [2015/02/24] Upgrading privilege groups to system groups skipped
28/8 07:26 [1240] - info: [2015/02/25] Upgrading menu items to dynamic navigation system skipped
28/8 07:26 [1240] - info: [2015/05/07] Upgrading uid mappings to sorted set skipped
28/8 07:26 [1240] - info: [2015/05/08] Fixing emails skipped
28/8 07:26 [1240] - info: [2015/05/11] Updating widgets to tjs 0.2x skipped
28/8 07:26 [1240] - info: [2015/05/20] Adding username:sorted and email:sorted skipped
28/8 07:26 [1240] - info: [2015/06/02] Creating group sorted sets skipped
28/8 07:26 [1240] - info: [2015/07/03] Enabling default composer plugin skipped
28/8 07:26 [1240] - info: [2015/08/18] Creating children category sorted sets
28/8 07:26 [1240] - info: [2015/08/18] Creating children category sorted sets done
28/8 07:26 [1240] - info: [upgrade] Schema update complete! -
Storing upgrade date in "package.json"... OK
NodeBB Upgrade Complete!
thomasfraley@nodebb:~/nodebb$ ./nodebb start
Starting NodeBB
"./nodebb stop" to stop the NodeBB server
"./nodebb log" to view server output
"./nodebb restart" to restart NodeBBthomasfraley@nodebb:~/nodebb$
- [new branch] acp-paper -> origin/acp-paper
@tfraley What SSO plugins have you installed?
As of...
- an hour ago, I fixed a regression in the sso-google plugin that caused logins to break.
- yesterday, I also fixed the 2factor plugin
Those are the only two plugins that I am aware of, that were not compatible with v0.8.0 right out of the box.
Ok here is the list of plugins I have installed
nodebb-plugin-youtube-lite -
Ok guys, seems (from my low knowledge about auth) that since 0.8.0 only oauth2 is used ? and I think before it was not mandatory and was working because I didn't changed anything on auth provider (google, twitter, FB) between the upgrade on 0.7.3 to 0.8.0
So after log investigation I get back on all app config, not it nodebb but on external application for developer on google, twitter, facebook and adjusted settings :
- on FB dev page I added my email and enabled visibility to anyone => now Works
- on google dev dashboard I enabled google+ API (it was working without this before, strange) => now works
- I also changed into nodebb config.json url from to (even if nginx redirect all http to https) and solved my twitter problem
Now all seems to auth fine, yeah!!
Hi there,
Sorry I did not updated this post, but it worked fine until expiration of my token (not sure ??)
I openned a new topic because I' could not log in anymore on my forum,
Any ideas would save me