Have a background while content has a different background
@MySelfLuls said:
Now I did fix the little error with the right bracket but adding this to the custom CSS snd enabling it does not actually do any difference, would I have to edit the actual theme for this to work then?Not sure what you trying to do maybe explain bit more
replied to codejet on last edited by MySelfLuls
As shown on this picture:
I would like the categories, the actual post and such to have a white background, while still keeping the current background.
I just put in this code and got something close to what I want:div {
}Problem is just this also affects the header.
@MySelfLuls mess around w/ this one:
.categories>li, .category>ul>li { margin-bottom: 20px; min-height: 53px; }
style this element
replied to codejet on last edited by MySelfLuls
I've set it up and recieved something that slightly worked.
Although it does not combine and the post does not have the white background.
I fixed the section part, kinda forgot to change the magin-bottom (derp)
Although the threads still does not have a white background
Would it also be possible to extend the white background all the way up to the navigation?
http://puu.sh/j8Qy7/92c4c72869.png -
@MySelfLuls yep take away the margin bottom, add some padding on all sides
what I did was put a border-bottom 1px dashes #faint grey color here that way it separates the categories
(this is actually how lavender split its topics so I just copied it really)problem doing this background image thing is you need to style everything.. the account page as well