nodebb v0.6.1 websockets handshake error 400&502
Hi All!
During setup of nodebb (./nodebb setup) without assign of port number appears following errors:
http://domain/ 502 (Bad Gateway)
http://domain// 400 (Bad Request)
http://domain/' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 400But if I will determine port number of nodebb, for example http://domain:4567 - this error disappear but in this case users can see port number in browser url after login into forum using SSO plugins and works properly only facebook-sso. If end-user trying to login into forum with google-sso or twitter-sso , they are working as guests and they can't see forum topics, etc...
Please advise me what to do in this case.
Are you using NGINX?
If so, make sure it has the proper config for sockets -
Might be a separate issue then, unfortunately I'm not familiar with those plugins.