Sharing Windows Server with Nodebb and Wordpress
@RichG Unfortunately not A bunch of linux people here, but now's as good a time to start as any!
If you use our referral code, you get two months free (and help us keep the lights on a little bit!), and if you apply
coupon code, you get another two months!Neato.
@julian Thanks for the generous offer. I am a big fan, and helping you, is more of an incentive than you know. The idea of starting from scratch with the workpress site, and the nodebb site is a daunting proposal.... everything is working except the rerouting the port :8080 thing. I have put so much time and effort into the whole 'self-hosting' deal, and I know nothing about linux. On the other hand, I do hate Windows. I need to think this over Sir...
Hi Rich. We will help you with Linux. Nothing to worry about.
@RichG said:
@julian Thanks for the generous offer. I am a big fan, and helping you, is more of an incentive than you know. The idea of starting from scratch with the workpress site, and the nodebb site is a daunting proposal.... everything is working except the rerouting the port :8080 thing. I have put so much time and effort into the whole 'self-hosting' deal, and I know nothing about linux. On the other hand, I do hate Windows. I need to think this over Sir...
Because you need to install NGINX, change Apache port to 8080, and Proxy Forward the Port 4567 to Port 80.
@RichG , you could try to create a reverse proxy inside IIS. I'm a fulltime sysadmin and have done this before, but it's been some time
If you still want to pull this off, I'll look at our servers at work. -
@Moritz-Friedrich ... I really do want to pull this off. I have invested too much time, and I will not be the only one running into this issue. So far this is the best articiel I have come across that does not use iisnode.
Running Node.js alongside IIS on Windows
Most of the time when you are looking for a way to run Node.js as a production server on Windows you will just run into IISNode , now IISNo...
I installed in IIS.
ARR (Application Request Routing) URL Rewrite
and used rewitre to create this web.config file in the 'empty' directory FORUM that I created and pointed the application Forum to...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rule name="ReverseProxyInboundRule1" stopProcessing="true">
<match url="(.*)" />
<action type="Rewrite" url="{R:1}" />
</configuration> produces this...
As you can see the /forum does get hit and passed by IIS, but it does not stream back to the client all the .css, and other information to the browser. Plus if you click on a path deeper than the main page like 'Announcements' you get this server error. IIS is looking for a 'physical' path.
Here is the json.config....
"url": "",
"secret": "bbbbbvvvccc",
"database": "redis",
"redis": {
"host": "",
"port": "6379",
"password": "xxxxxxx",
"database": "0"
} -
Okay. First off: Change the secret in your config.json immediately, you should never post it anywhere online.
You should change the url here to "". That way, NodeBB can deliver static resources with the correct path (remember, the client will request each resource based on this address which gets then parsed in the IIS).What are the rewrite rules shown in the ISS console?
I am almost 100% sure that I need a proxy server in-front of IIS to traffic the http request, but now we get into another level of complexity. That is why I hate Windows. I am going to explore finding a Nodejs app to set on port 80 and do the routing to IIS and noebb. Just to keep things simple. KISS.
@Moritz-Friedrich said:
Okay. First off: Change the secret in your config.json immediately, you should never post it anywhere online.
You should change the url here to "". That way, NodeBB can deliver static resources with the correct path (remember, the client will request each resource based on this address which gets then parsed in the IIS).What are the rewrite rules shown in the ISS console?
Done. I will try your suggestion. The rules...
@Moritz-Friedrich... "You should change the url here to """. Sorry.... no go. When I make your suggested change the nodebb start listening on it's default port 4567. Even changing web.config fro, :8080 to :4567 does not do the trick. and when access the forum from then produces this result.... "/forum is append to 'all' the paths confusing nodebb. I think I need to write a 'small' node proxy to sit on :80. Isn't that where node shines...
It's important that you know what these URLs mean. Look at this:
- Client requests
. - IIS revieves a request for
and routes it tolocalhost:8080
. - NodeBB recieves a request from the client and uses
as a base URL to construct its relative links,
. - The client recieves the NodeBB page from
That means, you have to configure the IIS to rewrite
respectively, that doesn't really matter apart from convention). NodeBB instead will think it sits
all along.
If you need further help setting up the rewrite rules, let me know. - Client requests
Best of luck to you @RichG. I did quite a bit of windows admin with IIS back in the day but I couldn't explain to you now how to do it without being on your system.
If you still can't get IIS to play nice, may I suggest giving WAMP a try? It's basically the most popular linux web server: Apache, on windows. It will allow you to stick with windows but also use the suggestions and instructions from the nodebb documentation to get your proxy pass setup correctly. Additionally, configuring wordpress to use Apache instead of IIS is trivial.
If you decide to go this route I can walk you through setting up apache and the vhosts required, just start a chat with me here.
@Julian if I have some time this weekend, I could write a setup guide for IIS w/ screenshots, if you guys want it for the docs? With a big warning at the top, "Stop reading, use linux!"
@KingCat @Moritz-Friedrich @nhl-pl @julian Thank you all for your help and support. I have just completed setting up a nodejs proxy server sitting on port 80. The thought of sending anyone back into the burning building and horrors of dealing with the windows platform was just too much for me. I just could not allow you gallant people to relive the scars that took so many of you to years to heal.
I choose this solution because it distances the proxy from whatever server happens to be running. If IIS is listening on port 8001, and the nodeBB is listening on port 8080 so be it. I don't care... do not want to deal with a windows proxy, and the horrors of rewrite and all the other super secret your in the club handshaking. I am a programer.... I want control to change things as I see fit... dependent on none other that myself to achieve my goals.
Holy crap. The hours spent reading... the hundreds of posts I have read just to get windows to hand '' to port 8080 was mind numbing. And there still was not a clear solution. It maybe easier with linux... but still tinkering with Linux is still... tinkering with Linux... and not the proper solution ( IMHO). Anyway... this is the code that solved my problem. I will be making a post here to explain how everything works and all the steps needed to help others with this solution. Again... thanks for all the help, effort, and thoughts. Just a great group of people.....
ISS wordpress is now listening on 8081
Nodebb is listening on 8080
Proxy listening on 80This code is rough and needs some clean-up and featurers added to it, but is is working as I write this post.
var util = require('util'),
http = require('http'),
url = require('url'),
domain = require('domain')
httpProxy = require('../../lib/http-proxy'),
proxy = httpProxy.createProxyServer({});
serverDomain = domain.create(); () {http.createServer(function(req, res)
var reqd = domain.create()
// On error dispose of the domain
reqd.on('error', function (error) {
console.error('Error', error, req.url)
var hostname =":")[0];
var pathname = url.parse(req.url).pathname;
case '':
proxy.web(req, res, { target: 'http://localhost:8080' });
proxy.web(req, res, { target: 'http://localhost:8081' });
proxy.on('error', function(err, req, res)
console.log('Error 500');
console.log('proxy listening on port 80');