How change timezone?
ok , I set to UTC,
I have a new problem about post time, the problem is when I post a article at 16:00,
the article time will show it is post about 8 hours ago, but actually it is post about 1 minutes ago,
please help me to fix this problem, thanks !
@Paul.Li-李隱唐 gh#1994
I found a mistake,My server timezone is UTC+8, then I change it to UTC, but the forum time still is UTC time.
,maybe need nodebb support timezone function.
@julian Could you please take a look on this issue ASAP..
Could I know What time exactly can be fix this ?
If problem can't be resolved, Is there any other solution ?
I’d appreciate any help you give me with this !!
@julian I think what @Paul.Li-李隱唐 was saying is that the wall clock and the timeago of each post is correct. It's the time displayed when the cursor hovers on the timeago being UTC (timestamp suffixed with Z) instead of localtime. Or at least it can be set in user preferences?
Yes, Just like @Kenneth-Chan saying, thanks @Kenneth-Chan
@Kenneth-Chan @Paul.Li-李隱唐 Thank you for clarifying the issue! I don't think there is anything I can do, as it is the ISO timestamp that the relative time library requires. If we alter that timestamp, then the relative time might end up being translated incorrectly ...