Developer Environment
I use Sublime Text for coding, FF for testing (I prefer its dev console over chrome for some reason), git shell, and GitHub for Windows because I like seeing a nice visual summary of what I'm committing (helps me find all of the
@psychobunny I preferred the old version of github for windows. Was easier to find things. I use jetbrains php storm as it supports js etc and it also supports various plugins for my real world jerb, however I like trying new ones so may look at Sublime. Also use FF for testing, prefer Firebug over the dev console in FF though. And putty to connect to my server, naturally. Or FireFTP if I just want to throw a file somewhere from my computer.
This conversation reminded me of Atom which was something I was really looking forward to using (but it was previously for Mac only). Looks like the Windows Alpha is out, test driving it now
@psychobunny Oh is it? Need to remember my login now.
It was pretty cool, I liked the built-in git diffs (files that were changed are highligted, and line numbers are too)
Overall just a touch slower (noticeable), and tbh, I love my ST theme and am too lazy to look for one / port it over
Sublime Text 3, WAMP, Chrome, GitHub (as always) and of course (albeit much to my dismay) a CentOS server for running things server-side. Really looking to move over to a Debian server soon, as no one seems to test anything on CentOS.
CentOS needs more love!
Tried using Atom Editor, loving it so far because of its Atom Package Manager (apm, and it is possible to add extensions using CLI, geek's way). The bad thing? It is a bit slower when comparing it with TextMate / Sublime Text. But I believe it has a good future ahead.
Still trying to sort out which editor is my favorite in my environment. I use Sublime Text the most, but I love Bracket's easier extensibility and built-in folder browser. Haven't given Atom a spin yet but will very soon now that the Windows alpha is out.
I use AMPPS as my LAMP stack, pretty decent and it's from the guys who made Softaculous, so spinning up different forum scripts for fun and conversion experiments is easy.
And I still run NodeBB out of my downloads folder like a filthy casual.
Couldn't hurt to support them, if you like the product