[Solved] Spinning up a second instance of NodeBB on same server.. issues with redis?
I'm extremely new to the whole "redis" and nodejs thing, but getting along nicely thus far.
So, I setup a new user, git cloned and started the setup. As I understand it, you can have 16 databases on an individual instance of reddit. I'm using Debian 7 and it doesnt appear to support UpStart so that route wasnt working for me, but perhaps the issue Im having isnt related to that at all.
I first setup with all defaults except changing the port for Node from 4567 to 4568, failing to realize I had to change the db from 0 to 1. So, when I saw my first NodeBB instead of the new one I setup, I quickly realized my mistake.
I ran the setup again and changed the redis db to 1 this time, and it in fact then prompted for username and password like I'd expect.
However... During the final part of setup, I get this.
info: Beginning database schema update info: [2014/1/5] Upgraded categories active users info: [2014/1/5] Re-slugify usernames (again) info: [2014/1/7] Updated topic and user posts to sorted set info: [2014/1/13] Set up "Registered Users" user group info: [2014/1/19] Remove user search from Reds info: [2014/1/23] Updating Administrators Group -- skipped info: [2014/1/25] Updating User Gravatars to HTTPS info: [2014/1/25] Done activating SSO plugins info: [2014/1/30] Fixing language settings -- skipped info: [2014/1/30] Adding new topic sets info: [2014/2/6] Upvoting all favourited posts for each user info: [2014/2/7] Updating category recent replies info: [2014/2/9] Remove Topic LastFeedUpdate value, as feeds are now on-demand -------error: [upgrade] Errors were encountered while updating the NodeBB schema: Error: ERR no such key
And due to that, I'm unable to start nodebb because it thinks it's out of date, but running the update gives the error above..
Help a noob out
In redis-cli you could probably do
select 1 flushdb
and start over (I'm assuming you messed up your fresh install and not the original install?)
I'm also trying to run a second NodeBB instance (love this new generation forum ) on same server.
I'm encountering difficulties, but not the same.I run the setup, defined a different port 4568 and different Redis DB number 1 (first instance on 4567 with RDS DB 0).
Starting up this second NodeBB instance I see in the log that the startup doesn't end and restart just after attempting to listen on my, endlessly.
info: [user.startJobs] Registering User Jobs
info: [meta/css] Minifying LESS/CSS
info: [sounds] Sounds OK
info: [themes] Compiling templates
info: [themes] Successfully compiled templates.
info: NodeBB attempting to listen on:
info: NodeBB v0.4.3 Copyright (C) 2013-2014 NodeBB Inc.
info: This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
info: This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.Any idea about what I miss ?
info: Time: Tue Jun 10 2014 22:25:17 GMT+0200 (CEST) -
I'm having an issue where I've installed two instances of NodeBB on the same server, set the redis databases to be different yet the following error occurs:
Whenver you login or logout of one forum, you logout of the other. Is this a common issue and can be solved easily or am I in deep water here?
- I find it hilarious that only as little as 6 months ago, our totally legitimate advice was "try dropping your db and reinstall"
- Are the secrets in
different? - Are the two NodeBBs on the same
? - Check the cookie saved in the browser, I'm thinking perhaps they're overwriting each other...
It seems that even if I refresh on one instance it logs me out of the other. How strange.