What should I learn (and write) about deploying next?
What should I learn (and write) about deploying next? Poll showing my favorite options, but I'm open to other ideas.
I wouldn't say no to boosts
(For more possible next steps, see https://marctrius.net/setting-up-a-personal-website-with-ghost-caddy-and-docker/)
@[email protected] let me know if you need help with anything!
Thanks! I'm probably going to disable federation to begin with (although it's a very exciting thing that you implemented it), until I understand better the sort of community we'll be building and the pros and cons of federating for us. I'll also want to read a lot of documentation.So many questions about that—will there be a whitelisting option? Is there support for object storage?
But for now I'll be focusing on getting transactional emails and so on working, setting up monitoring and a little optimization, etc.