Logic datasync Redis and Mongo have issues and solution for high traffic?
This is my config for mongo and redis:
{ "url": "https://mydomain", "secret": "mykey", "database": "mongo", "mongo": { "host": "", "port": "27017", "username": "nodebb", "password": "nodebb", "database": "nodebb", "uri": "" }, "port": ["8900","8901","8902"], "bcrypt_rounds": "21", "bind_address": "", "isCluster": "false", "redis": { "host": "", "port": "6379", "password": "", "database": "2" }, "session_store": { "name": "redis", "host":"", "port":"6379", "password": "", "database": "1", "tls": {} } }
I see a problem with data on NodeBB, ex: when i change site title in /admin/settings/general, it effect is true on FE and Admin. After 5 mins ( around), title will be changed to site title old, after 5 or 10 mins more, site title new back. Maybe, logic sync is not true?
Shooud i use "session_store" redis server for scale up with 10k users realtime? ( just thinking)
@baris said in Logic datasync Redis and Mongo have issues and solution for high traffic?:
You are running more than 1 port so remove
"isCluster": "false",
or set it to true.I have a question more for using balancer loading on 5 dedicated servers.
Dedicated server 1: I setup nodebb run 3 on this port: 8900, 8901, 8902
{ "url": "https://mydomain", "secret": "mykey", "database": "mongo", "mongo": { "host": "{server_DB}", "port": "27017", "username": "nodebb", "password": "nodebb", "database": "nodebb", "uri": "" }, "port": ["8900","8901","8902"], "bcrypt_rounds": "21", "bind_address": "", "isCluster": "true", "upload_path":"/home/public/uploads", "redis": { "host": "", "port": "6379", "password": "", "database": "2" }, "session_store": { "name": "redis", "host":"", "port":"6379", "password": "", "database": "1", "tls": {} } }
Dedicated server 2, 3 , 4, 5: i use one port: 8900. Then config on per server is
{ "url": "https://mydomain", "secret": "mykey", "database": "mongo", "mongo": { "host": "{server_DB}", "port": "27017", "username": "nodebb", "password": "nodebb", "database": "nodebb", "uri": "" }, "port": ["8900"], "bcrypt_rounds": "21", "bind_address": "", "isCluster": "false", "upload_path":"/home/public/uploads", "redis": { "host": "", "port": "6379", "password": "", "database": "2" }, "session_store": { "name": "redis", "host":"", "port":"6379", "password": "", "database": "1", "tls": {} } }
I config true, right? What happending if a user upload a file to NodeBB, this file will be storaged on one server or 5 servers?
thanks you so much!