Well, either way, your login form needs a csrf token added to it. You can do it via hidden input.
Retrieve it via js like so
require(['csrf'], function(csrf) {
var token = csrf.get();
Yes, this is true, if we switch to browserify, then it couples nicely with npm.
That, and @frissdiegurke, npmv3 actually favours flattening the dependency tree if at all possible, so there's one more point in favour of npm
I'm install NodeBB v0.8.2.
A recent version of nvm.
For node.js I use node 0.12.x
And so far works well.
For details you can inspect package.json of NodeBB : https://github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB/blob/master/package.json#L88
Looking foward to getting in on letsencrypt.
I cheat on my WP site by using a self signed behind cloudflare in full mode.
Wasn't going to try to do that for my nodebb setup.
Unfortunately, I was unable to find a solution problem...
But I found the problem for you!
- Category teaser for parent still displayed if in the previous categories are no posts:
[image: Akexi9O.jpg]
- When refresh the page is duplicated name of the topic.
[image: oyJp7nQ.jpg]
- Bug timeago.
If instead of seconds: "less than a minute" set seconds: "%d seconds" then post the time is 10 seconds, and will slowly drop to zero.
@pitaj, thanks.
I do not know what was the problem, but psychobunny brought back the old version templates.js
That's how the markdown parser works. It's not a bug, but part of the spec for markdown.
If you want to change how your posts are parsed, you can either write a new parser, or enable HTML in your markdown and type <br> for each new line break and for each space.
On a $5 DigitalOcean droplet, we've seen the forum handle loads up to 300-400 concurrent users just fine, and this is on a single CPU!!
Any more and you should probably get more cores, move your db to its own server, or scale horizontally
An admin can create a category, change its permissions to admin only, customise it, then open it to general users - I've done that before, if that's what you mean?
It's not the default method, but it'd only take a few mouse clicks more.