Hey, yeah. I've been meaning to reply as well. What I typed above was actually and older 0.6.0 way of searching, and it doesn't actually work the way you want anyway.
From what I can see, there is no way to search for custom fields using users.js
It seems the proper way of doing would be to add a sorted set value when you create the field. If the field is a number, something like db.sortedSetAdd('users:yourfield', yourfield, uid, callback) then lookup with db.getSortedSetRangeByScore('users:yourfield', 0, count, min, max, callback), that's how I do it in my plugins now.
If it's not a number, you need to store it as db.sortedSetAdd('yourfield:sorted', yourfield + ':' + uid, callback) then lookup with db.getSortedSetRangeByLex('yourfield:sorted', min, max, 0, count, callback)
Here's how I sorted a custom field on my forum without creating a sortedset if you're interested:
// Get all uids
db.getSortedSetRange('users:joindate', 0, -1, function (err, uids) {
// Get their custom_field
User.getMultipleUserFields(uids, ['uid', custom_field], function (err, users) {
// Sort by custom_field
async.sortBy(users, function (user, next) {
return next(null, user.custom_field);
}, function (err, results) {
If not all users have the field, you can use the 'filter:users.get' hook to filter user results to only users that have the field, like I had to do.
Hooks.filterUsersGet = function (users, next) {
// If 'custom_field' isn't in the results, don't filter.
if (users && users[0] && users[0].custom_field !== void 0) {
// Filter it out if it's null.
async.filter(users, function (user, next) {
return next(user.custom_field !== null);
}, function (results) {
next(null, results);
next(null, users);
[ { uid: '18', uuid: '069a79f444e94726a5befca90e38aaf5' },
{ uid: '4', uuid: '294ecf637f1242c6a95d9cf8cc6da3ef' },
{ uid: '3', uuid: '32a46cc646d64ffea4da962692858288' },
{ uid: '5', uuid: '621ad5087ed448dd92dbc83950a222d9' },
{ uid: '17', uuid: 'a85e5f36dc5e465d9c86c6ad88912e99' },
{ uid: '1', uuid: 'f19cb1605bc24838835a07757d60ce80' } ]