Thank you @report_press for creating this extensive report — I remember reading first about Stallman's terrible behavior in a series of now deleted Medium articles by Selam G., which had many good citations. It was originally published in September 2019. 1 — Remove Richard Stallman2 — Appendix A 3 — Vice Article She Leaked the E-Mails To The way women are pushed out of, and made invisible in, academia, specially in IT, is something us men need to focus a lot more on, as it is our fault and it can't just be their job to fix. We need to be attentive, we need to call out such behavior and reflect on our own actions too. When women, nonbinaries, and other marginalized groups say they didn't feel comfortable when something happened, our first reaction should be taking them seriously and believing them. Stallman played a significant role in creating a hazardous environment for FLINTA* at MIT and wherever he worked. Who knows how many women were pushed away from working in Computer Science because of him directly and indirectly through the environment he upheld. To believe software development is above politics means to ignore every social aspect and interaction working with humans has.Your work represented in this long report is great progress and I hope it leads to some sort of reflection and change; maybe not within FSF America, maybe not within Richard Stallman personally, but long term with every person reading this.