So now, I have questions to the NodeBB development team. @julian
About @frissdiegurke 's idea.
What do you think? Is it secure or do you have any better ideas, policies , plans?
To manage dependencies between plugin,
Can we enforce to install and activate plugins by dependencies?
Or can we give warnings of wrong configurations, dependencies and so on by plugin on admin UI ( dash board? )?
Do we have secure way to add/remove/modify custom data by plugin in a filtering pipe?
For example, on filtering hook, data.pluginData.<plugin name> can be always for plugins (means some sure for core will not use it for different reason!! ), whether they are removed or not after filtering. I know if I select good name( random or highly uniq), then it will be quite safe but it will be better if we have an official space.
If I want to make a npm module which is dedicated to NodeBB while it's not a plugin, then what is good name for. Maybe nodebb-helper-any-name. It may be for individual plugins.
I had one more, but I forgot what was it while writing....