@ariadne What's UOS?
it came with UOS preinstalled. -
Heeeeeeey linux cats!@aud If you'd like somthing that works, but not correctly, (iommu=soft is required), look for a PCIe to USB 3 card that uses the VL805 chip. Perhaps you could track down the issue and write a fix.
harris: presently having a nationwide streaming block party with shitloads of artists on youtube@ariadne I think my brain just had a malfunction
There are things in software design that really confuse me.@Natanox ...Honestly that sounds like it should be treated as a bug and fixed. Like, yesterday.
anyone know if the narwal freo robot vac is actually any good? don’t really want to spend $1500 on an appliance and then have it be disappointing…@ariadne I have ping'd my friend who is a robot vacuum purchaser and I'll get back to you with what they say if they don't answer themselves, assuming they answer (it's a bit late)
anyone know if the narwal freo robot vac is actually any good? don’t really want to spend $1500 on an appliance and then have it be disappointing…@ariadne Find the one that runs locally, ideally some sort of API hosted on the vacuum to control it. Imagine using a GPU to dynamically calculate the ideal cleaning route!
Edit: Alternative: Vaccum Cleaner Racing!
some russian nationals excluded from kernel maintenance, presumably due to sanctions.@ariadne It has since been confirmed that it is due to Sanctions; The Linux Foundation is a US Entity and must obey the law, basically.
And yeah, his reaction is a bit over the top, I'd be there's more to it than we've seen.
Microsoft should do a release of Xenix just to fuck with people.Microsoft should do a release of Xenix just to fuck with people.
The #WordPress contributor Slack is turning into a clusterfuck.@Edent I'd like to suggest that it's not Open Source that has a no dissent policy. Suggesting that is disparaging everyone who works in Open Source, the vast majority of whoem are level headed and willing to hear disagreement.