@lombisi You're probably on NodeBB 0.9.0. postTools have been renamed in that version - this plugin isn't updated for 0.9.0 as it is in development still.
Only way to fix this issue right now is to revert back to 0.8.x
@lombisi You're probably on NodeBB 0.9.0. postTools have been renamed in that version - this plugin isn't updated for 0.9.0 as it is in development still.
Only way to fix this issue right now is to revert back to 0.8.x
@rbeer Nope, that line is not to be found within my logs and NodeBB starts up just fine.
Full log output:
26/9 11:57 [5974] - error: Error: ENOENT, open '/home/atrius/pannekake-nodebb/public/templates/teamspeak.tpl'
26/9 11:57 [5974] - error: /teamspeak
Error: ENOENT, open '/home/atrius/pannekake-nodebb/public/templates/teamspeak.tpl'
26/9 11:57 [5974] - error: Error: Failed to lookup view "teamspeak" in views directory "/home/atrius/pannekake-nodebb/public/templates"
at EventEmitter.render (/home/atrius/pannekake-nodebb/node_modules/express/lib/application.js:579:17)
at ServerResponse.render (/home/atrius/pannekake-nodebb/node_modules/express/lib/response.js:961:7)
at ServerResponse.res.render (/home/atrius/pannekake-nodebb/src/middleware/middleware.js:349:10)
at renderCustomPage (/home/atrius/pannekake-nodebb/node_modules/nodebb-plugin-custom-pages/library.js:11:6)
at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (/home/atrius/pannekake-nodebb/node_modules/express/lib/router/layer.js:95:5)
at next (/home/atrius/pannekake-nodebb/node_modules/express/lib/router/route.js:131:13)
at /home/atrius/pannekake-nodebb/src/middleware/middleware.js:195:5
at /home/atrius/pannekake-nodebb/public/src/modules/translator.js:156:6
at /home/atrius/pannekake-nodebb/public/src/modules/translator.js:177:4
at Object.translator.load (/home/atrius/pannekake-nodebb/public/src/modules/translator.js:206:5)
Hello and welcome to the NodeBB community!
Are you using nodebb-plugin-import?
That seems like the only one worth a shot today from what i can find.
Simply follow the instructions in the README, there are some handy tips there for converting BBcode and such aswell.
Sure having a separate database server is recommended, but really not needed - you should backup your dumps externally just in case if you don't though.
If you're going with redis, this may be useful for that cause.
This probably isn'tthe most helpful post, as i haven't migrated from another software myself, but i'm trying to help in possible ways.
The above suggestions doesn't seem to fix it. The main problem is that the template files actually gets deleted - though they reappear upon restart. I'm not able to figure out exactly what is causing it, since nothing gets parsed in the log files when it happens. (Except the error message stating that the lookup of view failed)
You're very welcome @SergioNG, i'm glad i was able to help
Off-topic: Yay! 3 reputation. No more 10 minute cooldown between posts. Thank you :squirrel:
@SergioNG said:
Oh boy, I have to admit that I'm very new to using GitHub, all I did was to install Git on the pc (Windows) then used Git Extensions to clone the project for NodeBB to a local folder, and then I setup that folder with the npm install, and node app --setup.... so... not sure if that was the correct way to do it... for example the latest commit or push that I see on Git Extensions is the one from Julian "fixes #3669" so by pulling that my NodeBB folder should then be updated to the latest version... isn't it?
Usually it's fine to clone the master of a repo, but the NodeBB team seems to push their version in development to master. (I don't know why.) For that reason you want to clone the latest stable branch, in this case by issuing git clone -b v0.8.x https://github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB.git nodebb
Node.js based forum software built for the modern web - fixes #3669 · NodeBB/NodeBB@137f209
GitHub (github.com)
This is indeed the most recent commit to master (which is in development), and is the most updated one though unstable and not compatible with all plugins.
@SergioNG said:
I guess one more thing I don't get is if there is more than one active version of NodeBB cause I see somethings showing v.0.7.x and v.0.8.x, don't know if someone can clarify this to me?
Is that in git extensions? If that is the case, you're probably seeing the branhes of different (and old) versions.
What branch are you pulling from and what is your hash? This change is on master now i believe (Feel free to correct me if i'm wrong):
@baris said:
Hook changes
renamed see this commit
You can pull them from github, but don't get them via ./nodebb upgrade
@julian Are there any known issues with name not displaying in the emails?
It may not be this plugin in specific, but my sent emails are recieved without any name (uses the part before @domain.tld as name)
I've gone through my SPF records aswell, and they look good.
@psychobunny 96364935e905a8f9b07459da1bd974cc8c139b65
Edit: To me it looks like this is one of the latest commits on master, though my forum says v0.8.2, you forgot to update the version maybe? ^^
Double-edit: Did a fresh install from 0.8.x branch to solve the problem with postTools. @Nicolas I'm having the same problem as @1Smert1 though as shown in his screenshot.
Running with latest version of the plugin and redis.
@Kowlin Thank you so much, i'll definitely check it out tonight! Let me know how it works for you aswell :squirrel:
Unfortunately i don't have that much coding knowledge, but it would be great if someone could be able to update this to work with 0.8.x.
@Nicolas Yep, should be.
[ atrius@x:~/nodebb/src/posts ]$ ls -l | find tools.js
Norwegian (nb) is now 100% translated, just need someone to review it
Edit: I seem to be the only active member though - i could review it if granted reviewer status.
It's running fine. Everything else works just fine. That is strange..
@Nicolas Kinda hyped about this!
Though i seem to have a problem.
22/9 06:11 [6714] - info: Initializing NodeBB v0.8.2
22/9 06:12 [6714] - error: Error: Cannot find module './src/postTools'
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:338:15)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:280:25)
at Module.require (module.js:364:17)
at /home/atrius/nodebb/node_modules/nodebb-plugin-ns-awards/app/nodebb.js:11:31
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/atrius/nodebb/node_modules/nodebb-plugin-ns-awards/app/nodebb.js:41:3)
at Module._compile (module.js:456:26)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10)
at Module.load (module.js:356:32)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12)
at Module.require (module.js:364:17)
22/9 06:12 [6714] - warn: [plugins] Unable to parse library for: nodebb-plugin-ns-awards
NodeBB v0.8.2 as you can see, and ns-awards v1.3.1
I stumbeled upon the same issue.
Not sure what steps to take in order to reproduce it, though it seems to happen randomly when editing widgets and reloading.
What is interesting is that the template files gets removed from the /public/templates folder, but reappear upon a couple of restarts.
22/9 03:01 [5842] - error: Error: ENOENT, open '/home/atrius/nodebb/public/templates/teamspeak.tpl'
22/9 03:01 [5842] - error: /teamspeak
I'll try and revert back to 0.2.1 - will reply with results, @psychobunny
Also - if you have added a custom domain for session cookie in acp/settings/advanced you might want to update that one too.