love to be woken up by jackhammers
love to be woken up by jackhammers
U+002Creplied to Ariadne Conill 🐰:therian: last edited by
@ariadne would prefer to be woken up by jackrabbits
Laurent Bercotreplied to Ariadne Conill 🐰:therian: last edited by
@ariadne welcome to my life for the past 3 years
Ariadne Conill 🐰:therian:replied to Laurent Bercot last edited by
@ska that sounds highly unpleasant
Laurent Bercotreplied to Ariadne Conill 🐰:therian: last edited by
@ariadne At the worst of it I seriously considered dropping everything and going to the remotest, desertedest place in the country. Then it got a bit better and my laziness prevented me from going through with the plan.
Which was ultimately a good thing because it saved me a lot of money, without which this year would have been, uh, different.
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