wish i was a CS professor so i could post something like "paper idea: the unreasonable effectiveness of lambda calculus" and have the jane street guy RT it
wish i was a CS professor so i could post something like "paper idea: the unreasonable effectiveness of lambda calculus" and have the jane street guy RT it
teh dragon of onlinereplied to d@nny "disc@" mc² last edited by
@hipsterelectron guy steele and gerald sussman in 1975 made the exact same post and got a ton of clout for it
d@nny "disc@" mc²replied to teh dragon of online last edited by
@dragon the graph algs prof i adored had a massive grudge against dijkstra for taking credit for other people's ideas and it seems we have no shortage of modern dijkstras
d@nny "disc@" mc²replied to d@nny "disc@" mc² last edited by
@dragon e.g. "dijkstra's" algorithm is more appropriately considered an extension of prim's algorithm and this is why i don't like naming things after people also makes them harder to learn. at least lambda calculus isn't some shit like church calculus
d@nny "disc@" mc²replied to d@nny "disc@" mc² last edited by
@dragon church calculus would be a little funny though like please take the integral of the crusades