once again I fucking hate dtolnay for blocking reflection in rust so that his macro work doesn't become obsolete
@[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] I appreciate you saying I have the right of it, basically; I followed along with it very closely because I follow ThePhD and when I heard about it, my hairs raised as it seemed like classic textbook discrimination (the kind 'easily' hand-waved away by people who want to ignore it) and kept following it... and watching in disappointment as people who seemed 'nice' did their best to continue letting it happen.
@[email protected] I can feel my spite gland being activated, and now I'm tempted to see if I CAN re-write without serde. I really, really hate it.
It's not like I haven't written a parser before from raw text, after all. -
@aud we're working on our own parsing framework as we speak but it is not and will never be a drop-in replacement. we don't actually like the thing serde does, heh.
@ireneista @aud @jonny wish i could solve other problems during that immensely long time span instead of the same ones again
@[email protected] (I did look up the word and I was pretty sure I had the gist of it; and this confirms it. Also, thank you for teaching me a new word!)
@ireneista @aud @jonny rust itself as the result of a separatist approach bears this out
@[email protected] But this particular thing seems common in tech. Gargamel and mastodon spring to mind as well, for not-as-bad but definitely-not-good reasons.
@hipsterelectron @aud @jonny it's the problem. it's the fundamental conflict that goes back to early human prehistory and has never, at any point, been properly solved: how do we get people to talk through their shit?
@[email protected] I actually don't like it either, to be honest. I kind of really hate what it seems to be aiming for.
@[email protected] Like I'm using serde_json because it is there, but in truth I really don't need all of fucking serde and I'm basically having to implement a shit ton of my own serialization/deserialization logic in order to make things work and having to work around the limits set in place by serde.
@hipsterelectron @aud @jonny exactly. good point.
Asta [AMP]replied to Asta [AMP] last edited by [email protected]
@[email protected] From my naive point of view, serde seems to work well when your data structure and input/output match perfectly and it's basically just... that's all it does?
This is almost definitely an oversimplification, but I'm like, when the hell do things line up neatly 1:1 like that. -
@aud absolutely, it's a whole little niche, there are LOTS of examples of it. sometimes people create software projects because they want the attention that comes with being at the center of the community that will grow around them. this is a fundamentally ego-driven reason. we need to build out vocabulary around it to drag it into popular awareness and move towards solutions.
@[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] I wish we didn't live in a society that glorified racist war mongers. I also want a unicorn, I guess.
@aud that is how we see it too fwiw, but we haven't used it deeply enough to know if its escape hatches are any good
@aud @ireneista i use monopolistic but that's more referring to the processes/architecture by which the sinecure is assured than the act and the intent itself
d@nny "disc@" mc²replied to d@nny "disc@" mc² last edited by
@aud @ireneista things can be monopolistic by accident for example
@[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] Any successful attempt to start building out a new community with a new language... would be subject to the same corporate and shitty person pressure. It's also possibly the case that some people hid how shitty they were at first (or just changed a bit once they got into higher positions of power). It's hard to build something good that lasts in this pro-corporate-pro-war-monger environment.
@aud Being able to do Zig metaprogramming in Zig is definitely my favorite Zig feature.
@hipsterelectron @aud yeah, or "hegemonic" is a nice word because it just means that the thing you apply it to is asserting more influence than is proper for it.... and implicitly that means more than is proper, in the judgement of you as the one saying it. so that forestalls argument heh