Americans, I know you're scared, but please don't buy guns.
Americans, I know you're scared, but please don't buy guns. PLEASE don't buy guns. You don't need a gun, you really really don't. You may think you need a gun, but no: you don't.
If you buy a gun, you're statistically far more likely to have it used against you or your family (either by intent or accident) than you are to use it against some outside danger. Actually, you're MOST likely to just have it stolen, where it winds up in the local community instead.
The act of carrying a firearm begins to create a psychological effect in which the holder starts looking for "reasons" to use it. The mere presence of a firearm escalates any situation. Guns unequivocally make things worse.
Just, don't buy a gun. Find some other way to attain peace of mind.
(anyone replying to this with the Marx "under no pretext" quote is both childish and also getting blocked kthxbye)
@greg personally all my leftist friends are depressed, and I know the only thing that's kept me from killing myself when times were bad was that it would be too much trouble.
Like, sometimes self defense is keeping easy ways to hurt yourself out of your house.
@pencilears it's such a real problem and I feel really sad that people just tend to gloss over it in the discussions
@greg What are people supposed to do when faced by right wing death squads then? Die obediently?
Your advice belongs to peacetime. This is no longer peacetime.
@threetails well, you can get blocked, first off