I think I would like to apply to this: https://asml.cyber.harvard.edu/asml-fellowship-program/
I think I would like to apply to this: https://asml.cyber.harvard.edu/asml-fellowship-program/
Because I think the project I'm working on is an excellent fit for the third and fourth focus areas (personalized safety and interoperable software infrastructure, respectively). Because two things (edit: FOUR! Four things. ah ah ah) I want:
1. User-by-user opt-in federation + user-by-user authorized viewings only.
2. 'Mixed' privacy mode: posts that are available for all, posts that are available for some, posts that are only available to people who were granted access at the time, etc.
3. Easy import/export from Mastodon, Misskey, and Wordpress, as well as CLI tools to dump out data/posts into AP JSON-LD. I'd also eventually like it to work with other stuff, such as Twitter archives, etc.
4. Not really directly relevant but I would like the things I write to serve as a springboard for other distributed projects.
I'll have to write up a two page project proposal, though. It's been a hot minute since I wrote up something like this, though. Also? My last application was for a grant/fellowship was unsuccessful... even though I later learned that my advisor mentioned the project off-handedly to someone who had been involved in that grant process, and they were like "whoa! that's exactly the kind of thing we want to fund! you should have applied!". So I don't think I'll be dusting off that PDF as a starting point...
Anyone have any hot tips for independently applying to a grant/fellowship program without the help of an advisor?
#activityPub #socialMedia #socialMediaGrants #grantWriting -
Even if just, "this is the type of format they expect (abstract, intro, paragraphs discussing the project and how it aligns to goals/focus areas, potential impact, future work)", etc, sort of stuff is very appreciated!